Monday, October 16, 2023

We have to pray to have eyes to see.

Just a few thoughts

·       This Referendum was always going to challenge us, and it was always going to teach us about ourselves. The media focused on ugly extremes [and were not challenged to tell the truth]

·       May our First Nations Peoples recover from this [yet another] setback and gather strength and courage to continue telling truths about the colonial history that other Australians apparently are refusing to acknowledge. And may we support them!

·       We pray for all who suffer the daily torment of hunger and food insecurity, that this World Food Day will spur the international community to meet their needs.

·       We pray for the people of Israel and the Palestinian territories, that the terrible cycle of killing and retaliation will end and seeds of healing and peace be sown.


ü What counts is that we hear, understand, accept and assimilate the word of Jesus and carry it out at every moment of our lives.

ü The Sign of Jonah

ü Invitation to the good life – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Is Australia really a morally backward society?

Ø How did the media perform on the Voice referendum? Let’s talk about truth-telling and impartiality

Musical Reflection

¯  The Summons

¯  Shepherd Me, O God

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