Thursday, October 5, 2023

A full commitment

Just a few thoughts

·       "I observe that there are those who oppose [the Voice], who don't seek to unite this country… who seek to say things which are designed to make people fearful. And I don't think that is the way we should be having this discussion – P Wong

·       "It is necessary for us to learn from others' mistakes. You will not live long enough to make them all yourself." -- Hyman George Rickover

·       We pray on this World Teacher’s Day that there may be renewed efforts to train a new generation of teachers to assist schools recover from the disruption of the Covid pandemic and also to support teachers who have become exhausted.


ü Clergy collaborating with the laity

ü Let us pray that we will be peacemakers

ü Why we should always mean what we say and do – Jesus and the dangers of hypocrisy – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Historic Synod enlarges the tent

Ø Priest draws on Outback experiences for vote

Ø The status quo is not an option, because the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia is growing wider rather than closing. Therefore, I urge everyone in the Archdiocese to prepare to vote in a way that looks to the Gospel and, whatever the result of the Referendum, to commit to redressing the chronic disadvantage suffered by the Indigenous peoples and promoting reconciliation for the good not just of some but of the whole nation. – Archbishop M Coleridge

Musical Reflection

¯  If Not Now

¯  From Little Things Big Things Grow

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