Thursday, October 12, 2023

The one who searches always finds

Just a few thoughts

·       Wherever you are - be all there. -- Jim Elliot

·       "Voting No is not a neutral choice. Voting No is an active choice to take us nowhere.
"Voting No leaves us suspended in the neverland that exists when two peoples love the same homeland, but have not yet learned to love each other." – N Pearson

·       We pray for a right spirit of prayer in which we place our trust in God, and with confidence, seek, ask and knock so that the Holy Spirit is given to us all.


ü Does God answer my prayer?

ü We have become used to instant everything

ü When ‘vintage time’ draws near and we realise that life is ‘not a rehearsal’ – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The yes campaign for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voice has attracted the support of hundreds of organisations across Australian society, from health to education, legal affairs, housing, employment and, of course, Indigenous groups.

Ø Josephites share the Laudate Deum call to action

Musical Reflection

¯  Blowin` In the Wind

¯  Voice!

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