Friday, October 13, 2023

Happy all……..

Just a few thoughts

·       This post on the last day before the referendum I dedicate to the YES vote. Please readers, do spread the message as far and wide as you possibly can.

·       We offer this prayer:
‘Lord, as we prepare to vote in the forthcoming referendum, we pray for those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who continue to suffer the effects of their dispossession and we pray for justice and reconciliation for all who rightly call Australia home.’

·       It’s time to recognise First Australians in the Constitution in a form which is acceptable to the First Australians. The form is a Voice.

·       Every pope since Paul VI when dialoguing with First Peoples has espoused the Aboriginal collective right to maintain their culture, heritage and lands. It’s not just a matter of having the same rights as all other Australians.

·       "This referendum will uphold the constitution and recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first peoples of Australia,"
"This amendment is Constitutionally safe. And will adorn our founding law.
"It is not inequality to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were the owners of Australia since time immemorial. It is simply the truth." – Noel Pearson


ü The past is gone and there is nothing we can do about it. The present is in our hands and that is where we meet God.

ü How to recognise false, destructive messaging

ü A Rich Banquet – homily for next Sunday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Taking stock of who is voting ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice

Ø Factchecking the seven biggest pieces of misinformation pushed by the no side

Ø Every YES vote leads to recognition, every NO vote improves nothing.

Ø This was a moment to feel proud to be Australian, walking alongside others who care deeply on voting yes to The Voice and showing our respect to our First Nations People.

Ø Catholic education peak body says a First Nations Voice to Parliament is a path to healing and reconciliation

Musical Reflection

¯  The Times They Are A-Changin'

¯  Be Brave Make Change

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