Saturday, October 7, 2023

Filled with joy by the Holy Spirit

Just a few thoughts

·       The voice contains hope. It will help end the great Australian silence -- Peter Garrett

·       "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." -- Mahatma Gandhi

·       We pray that sacred things will be revealed to Pope Francis and all the participants of the Synod for the increase of wisdom and holiness in the whole Church.


ü Count our blessings and express our gratitude for them

ü The power of prayer to change the course of history

ü A True Vineyard – Reflection for this Sunday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Being Neighbour – one leader’s perspective

Ø Synod members begin small-group discussions on ‘synodality’

Ø SVDP - Amélie Housing building hope

Musical Reflection

¯  When I Needed A Neighbour

¯  Lord To Whom Shall We Go

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