Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Contemplation-silence in prayer

Just a few thoughts

·       The state has to shape the market so that it is not captured by powerful special interests and instead works for the common good. – M Mazzucato

·       “It’s a simple proposition. It’s about recognition. It’s about listening. The vast majority of Aborignal people support it because they they know it will lead to better outcomes.” – A Gargett

·       The 61st anniversary of the start of the Second Vatican Council, called by Pope John XXIII – Let us relish its spirit, documents and vision and so desire a holier Church and more just world.


ü Lord, teach us to pray.

ü Well of God’s Mercy

ü Prayer that transforms the world – Sunday homily

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Our country is hurting

Ø Climate disaster: Pope Francis repudiates developed world’s economics and culture

Ø “Australia was fought for in an endless war of little cruel battles.’ Indeed the conquest of Australia was;
“the most brutal colonial invasion in the nineteenth-century Empire.
So many were slaughtered. Kidnapping never ceased. Every acre was taken.
None of the huge wealth earned on their country flowed back to its original owners.
Law counted for nothing.
No treaties were made .
And when the fighting was over, we set about forgetting how Australia was won.”

David Marr

Musical Reflection

¯  The Times They Are A-Changin'

¯  Ngarraanga (Remember)

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