Sunday, October 8, 2023

Jesus the Keystone

Just a few thoughts

·       Worry And Fear Is Opposite To Faith & Hope!
Do Better- Be Better!
Be Brave Make Change

·       Nothing’s perfect. But YES is much better than NO, in my opinion – Frank Brennan

·       We pray for each other in this parish/community, that with free hearts we will fill our minds with everything true and noble, good and pure, virtuous and praiseworthy, we will produce the good fruit of God’s mercy.


ü Australian Women Preach

ü Jesus is you, and he is also your neighbour

ü Fruitfulness

The Signs Of The Times

Ø On Friday afternoon I went to Mary MacKillop Plaza next to the cathedral to join SA Catholics in declaring support for constitutional recognition and a Voice to Parliament for our First Nations peoples. It was a great, positive gathering and here is a pic of Mary MacKillop herself supporting the cause.

I learnt that there actually were some parishes where the referendum was discussed. In one parish the homily last Sunday consisted of the projection and reading of the Uluru Statement as the homily.

Ø SA charities, unions and multicultural groups back ‘Yes’ vote, joining almost 800 nationwide organisations

Musical Reflection

¯  When I Needed A Neighbour

¯  Lord, to Whom Shall We Go

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