Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Focus On What Is Important

Just a few thoughts

·       In the world-wide church, may every community of believers be a haven of hospitality and inclusion

·       The starting point for the media to find a better way to report in this post-truth age is to recognise that balance doesn’t include giving traction to lies.

·       "You use and lose a lot of energy being grumpy." -- Ted Danson


ü The inner spirit and motivation

ü What would it be like to dine with Jesus today?

ü The Many Faces of the Eucharist – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Silence and listening: to let the Spirit speak

Ø How did the media perform on the Voice referendum? Let’s talk about truth-telling and impartiality

Musical Reflection

¯  Table of Plenty

¯  Sing a New Church

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