Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.

Just a few thoughts

·       "Some things work and some things don't. There is almost always another way to get where you want to go. Don't keep trying to open a locked door." -- James Clear

·       Citizens of Australia - may the result of the referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament make us more determined than ever to overcome disadvantage and division across the land.

·       May peace come to the Holy Land so that a new era of dialogue may herald justice and security for both the Palestinians and the Israeli’s.


ü Luke was a Gentile

ü Let us make the message of Luke’s Gospel and Acts part of us and be ready, even in difficult circumstances, to live and spread it in all the situations of our life.

ü Using Your Gifts

The Signs Of The Times

Ø First Synod Retreat Meditation with Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP

Ø Fr Frank Brennan: - It will be another generation before we revisit the recognition of the First Australians in the Constitution. Let’s hope that we have done a better job by then convincing our fellow citizens that there will always be a need for some special laws and policies to be made for the First Australians and that it is unthinkable that such laws be made without some assurance that they will be adequately consulted. That assurance should be part of our Constitution.

Holding in our hearts the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who will be feeling rejected this morning, we recall those words of Pope John Paul II at Alice Springs in 1986:

‘If you stay closely united, you are like a tree standing in the middle of a bush-fire sweeping through the timber. The leaves are scorched and the tough bark is scarred and burned; but inside the tree the sap is still flowing, and under the ground the roots are still strong. Like that tree you have endured the flames, and you still have the power to be reborn. The time for this rebirth is now!’

Musical Reflection

¯  All Who Hunger Gather Gladly

¯  On Eagle's Wings

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