Saturday, October 14, 2023

One Journey. Together

Just a few thoughts

·       A campaign that should have been about what is right and just is predicted by surveys and polls to have been destroyed by misinformation and irrelevant distractions. But we live in hope!

·       Respond to this referendum with love, trust and kindness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. -- Senator Patrick Dodson

·       Catholic Social Teaching and decades of papal support for Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples provide strong grounds for Catholics to vote Yes


ü “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it”

ü Australian Women Preach

ü The Wedding Banquet – Sunday Reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Indigenous Voice to Parliament - The new body, enshrined in the Constitution, will add an Indigenous perspective when the Parliament is drafting laws and making policies that impact Indigenous communities. What it won’t change is how laws and policies are made – Parliament will continue to make laws for the country in the way it has always made laws, it will just do so after hearing advice from those who will be among the most affected by those laws.
So, why am I voting yes in the Voice referendum?
First and foremost, Indigenous people have asked us to vote yes to create the Voice that Indigenous people designed. After nearly a decade of consultation, Indigenous people have come forward and clearly said that the Voice to Parliament is what they want.
Secondly, the Voice will help improve the lives of Indigenous Australians. Both recognising them in the Constitution and listening to them in the design of health, education, employment and other services will have real positive outcomes in policy and on the ground.
Finally, there's strong evidence and research that good consultation leads to good policy. So if we want to have cost-effective, efficient and fair policy in Australia, we need an Indigenous Voice making sure the Parliament is aware of the needs, concerns, desires and priorities of Indigenous Australians.
Being asked to vote yes to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament by Indigenous Australians should be enough of a reason to vote yes. If we can’t listen to this simple request, how will we ever fix much harder problems? And imagine the message that voting no will send.

Ø Yes, this matters to me

Ø “We’re a generous people and this is a very modest request from the First Australians for recognition and to be listened to.”
“It would be most unfortunate if we miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance reconciliation” – Prime Minister

Musical Reflection

¯  If Not Now

¯  From Little Things Big Things Grow

¯  It's Not Too Late

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