Friday, October 6, 2023

Our witness will plants seeds, even though we may not be aware of it at the time.

Just a few thoughts

·       Throughout the Referendum campaign mainstream media have been “a passive conduit of misinformation” deploying false equivalence and normalising conspiracy theories – M Davis

·       Do something wonderful, people may imitate it. -- Albert Schweitzer

·       May bishops, priests and deacons preach the word of God with integrity, being faithful to God’s truth.


ü There is never any room for complacency in our Christian life

ü The effects of social sinfulness and lack of social responsibility are all around us

ü The Tragedy of Love – next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Sporting legends Johnathan Thurston, Eddie Betts and Evonne Goolagong Cawley have asked Australians to back the Indigenous voice, adding their names to the official referendum pamphlet to help make the case for a yes vote.

Ø Evonne Goolagong Cawley’s heartfelt, simple, graceful reminder of what this referendum is about. “When I was a little girl, I remember hiding under the bed so I wouldn’t be taken from my mum.”
She might not have won Wimbledon were it not for the 1967 referendum. “The Voice is a straightforward request” to be heard, while all the noise and nonsense is designed to frighten people, much the same as with Mabo and the apology. “History proved them wrong. Every single time they have cast shadows, the bright Australian sunshine has proved stronger,” she said of the scare campaigns, asking voters to keep their eye on the ball. “You’ve cheered for me,” she concluded, appealing to Australians of her generation. “Now, please, vote with me: vote Yes.”

Musical Reflection

¯  Mission Ration Blues

¯  Go Make A Difference

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