Thursday, November 5, 2020

"This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them."

Just a few thoughts

·         From Josie - I too missed being   surrounded by photos of dear parishioners no longer with us.  I always feel a close bond too.  Hopefully next year??

·         I am still preoccupied about the topic of Do you experience Mass as a celebration? Yesterday’s post begs for more thoughts and ideas!

·         Meanwhile…..a month has passed, so here are some statistics about this blog – during October 240 pages were visited, an average of a bit under 8 pages per day. The interesting thing is that some  105 pages were apparently visited by overseas readers – Portugal, France, USA, Poland and others. That means that the average local readership has come down to under 5 page views per day.


ü  Good News

ü  The Heart of Democracy - Fr. Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  A morally good economy - An economy that excludes people from participation or that means some have no choice but to engage in degrading working conditions cannot be said to be a morally good economy,

Ø  New State President for Vinnies SA

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

Come to Me · Gregory Norbet

Come to Me - SONOS Voices of Hope [virtual]

Bits & Pieces

1956  -  The ABC's first television broadcast commences.  --  Where would we be without the ABC!


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