Monday, November 9, 2020

‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’

“In the beginning there were no churches; people met in each other’s homes for the Eucharist.
If all the churches in the world were to collapse into ruins, the real Temple of God would continue – in us.”

Just a few thoughts

·         This is NAIDOC Week. Our country still does not have the political will to recognise the indigenous peoples as being the custodians of this land; or acknowledge this by means of a treaty , or even take seriously the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Here is the homily from Fr Frank Brennan.

·         The Abortion Bill – Please do let your voice be heard.

·         A parishioner was unwell at Mass yesterday. An ambulance was called. How grateful we are for the assistance, care, empathy and compassion shown by medically skilled parishioners!
It felt weird that Mass was continuing while this was happening.


ü  Sunday’s Homily from Fr Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Prayers of the People – Australian Catholics

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ On Sunday in the Readings was the mention of Sophia, the spirit of Wisdom. Here is a song

Bits & Pieces

v  1960 - John F Kennedy becomes the youngest elected president of the United States.
“And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”

v  1989 -  Opening of the Berlin Wall

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