Saturday, November 7, 2020

Society V Gospel Values?

“What people think important, God holds in contempt.” The opposite is also true. On which side do I find myself?

Just a few thoughts

·        Following on from earlier posts this week about Mass [Do we experience it as a celebration?] and the sculpture of a life size Jesus sitting at a table with 12 empty seats. He has bread in his hands and cup of wine in front of him.
What do you think would happen if 12 of our community sat with Jesus at this table and shared a meal? 


ü  Good News

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  The abortion debate we need to have

Ø  Parish lifeline for struggling students

Ø  Mysticism Precedes PoliticsFr Richard Rohr

Ø  The new High Street Café at Mary MacKillop Precinct, Kensington is in good hands

Ø  New Vinnies Refugee service up and running

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Lead Me Lord - Becker

¯ Lead Me Lord - Instrumental

Bits & Pieces

v  1892 - Sir John Morphett


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