Wednesday, November 4, 2020

There is no limit to the effort we are to put into living the Christian life.

Just a few thoughts

·         In a previous blog I wrote - Our Sunday Mass is called a Celebration of the Eucharist.
Do you experience it as a celebration?

·         I also posted the following link in another blog:-
This is an awesome reflection!  The Many Faces of the EucharistFr Ron Rolheiser

·         And a bit later another one:-

Prayerful & Eucharistic?Columbans  --  A great thought-provoking article.

·         What motivated me to revisit the question - Do you experience Mass as a celebration? is this photo:


Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz has created many inspirational sculptures. One of his most famous ones is that of the "Homeless Jesus," which can be found in many places around the world.
This one is “The Last Supper” – a life size Jesus at table with 12 vacant seats. It also can be found at a number of places around the world. People are invited to sit with Jesus, dine with Jesus, pray with Jesus, allowing Christ to nourish your spirit and body.
Doesn’t it make us think about what we are doing at Mass?


ü  Good News

ü  Obedience to God’s Will of Love

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ I Am The Bread of Life - Virtual Choir

¯ "Take and Eat" -  Michael Joncas 

Bits & Pieces

v  Day of Prayer for Anglican-Roman Catholic Reconciliation

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