Wednesday, November 11, 2020

But many of the heroes of Jesus' stories were Samaritans – the one leper, the Good Samaritan, the Samaritan woman. There’s hope for us all.

Just a few thoughts

·       You know doubt have picked up my interest in what Fr Frank Brennan has to say.
I often link his homilies and articles. I respect his opinion.
About the USA elections he wrote “Most of those who voted for President Trump do not engage in his objectionable antics, nor do they approve of them.  Despite Trump’s antics and despite 10 million COVID cases, they think he acts ultimately in their interests, many of them feeling disempowered by the elites.”
In Australia many people also feel that our government is not listening to their problems. Privileged elitism is in charge it seems, when government should be about servicing the common good. – Servant Leadership is desperately needed.

·       Being NAIDOC Week we contemplate the problems our First Peoples face in this modern world. For decades they have implored governments to allow them to make decisions in their own local communities. But always governments have insisted that they know better - with dismal results.


ü  Good News

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Going back to today’s Gospel - While there may not be any real lepers in our own society, today is an occasion for us to reflect on who could be regarded as lepers, outsiders, outcasts, and untouchables among us at the present time. And to ask whether I personally treat any person as an outsider in my home, in my work, in other places where I meet people. Such exclusion is totally contrary to what we celebrate in the Eucharist.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ One of the songs by indigenous people that had a real impact was by Archie Roach - Took The Children Away

¯ Some other songs by our indigenous people that have made an impact can be found here

Bits & Pieces

v  This DaySt Leo the Great;     World Science Day for Peace and Development;     1995: Execution of nine Nigerian environmentalists and human rights activists.

v  1918 - Today is Remembrance Day, marking the end of World War 1, in 1918.

v  1908 - Sir Hans Heysen


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