Tuesday, November 17, 2020

COVID-19 Alert

Just a few thoughts

In Case You Missed It:-
The C-Virus has escaped back into the community!
Remember that to be safe the best things to do are always:

1.       Stay Home!

2.       Wash Hands Thoroughly Frequently

3.       Cover Your Coughs

4.       If you feel unwell and think you have symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical advice and get tested.

5.       If you really have to go out to shop or whatever, keep your distance from other people and wear a mask.

Check for details here:

Ø  What you need to know about coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ø  Latest Advice


ü  Let us pray that the whole community will work together to beat this outbreak

ü  Let us pray for the people at the frontline who are trying to keep us safe.

ü  Let us pray that the victims will all recover their good health.


V  Living Space

V  Good News

V  The Reign of God – Fr Richard Rohr

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ I Will Be With You

¯ The Kingdom of God - Taizé

¯ Gurrumul - 'Jesu'


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