Monday, November 23, 2020

The gift is acceptable according to what one has.

Just a few thoughts

·         Did you receive an email from the parish last week about the Mass times for last Sunday?

At Mass yesterday I discovered that lots of people did not receive that email.  Checking back I realised that only about 40 people received it.  Unfortunately there way no way to book a seat at a particular Mass.

·         9:30 Mass only started a couple of minutes late. That was pretty good considering that people were very patiently waiting in queues outside while thundery rain was threatening.

·         The Gospel story of the poor widow asks us to contemplate on 2 points of view – [1] the extraordinary generosity of the widow and the great pressure of the Temple customs to demand extravagant donations. [2] the teaching of Jesus that the most important people are the poor, the sick, the isolated, etc. and our obligation to care for each other. The song selection follows that theme.


ü  Living Space

ü  Prayers of the people: Works of mercy

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  We are called to be ‘Neighbours without Borders’ – From The Good Oil

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ Go Make A Difference

¯ The Cry of the Poor

¯ Siyahamba – We are walking in the light of God

Bits & Pieces

v 1923 - Australia's first public wireless broadcast begins.

v 1986 - Migration Museum


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