Friday, November 27, 2020

The Kingdom is present wherever the values of the Gospel are being lived.


Just a few thoughts

·         This graphic has got me puzzled! Isn’t this a conflict in terms? Can anyone of you give me any clues how to interpret/understand this statement?


ü  Living Space

ü  Recovering Our Original Unity - Fr Richard Rohr

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  McCarrick report is one small step to dismantling clerical culture

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

¯ In Every Age

¯ L'enfance du Christ - L'Adieu des bergers à la sainte famille

Bits & Pieces

1880 - Sir Ralph Freeman, designer of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, is born

1895 - Alfred Nobel draws up his last will and testament, pledging his enormous wealth toward the betterment of humanity.

1906 - Colonel William Light

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