Friday, November 20, 2020

The Cleansing Of The Temple

“There were many synagogues but there was only one Temple. To imagine the impact, we would have to think of someone entering the Vatican, overthrowing the tables of those who sold medals and holy pictures and statuettes, and going on to smash up the computers in the Vatican bank. What would happen?”

Just a few thoughts

·         That Temple was levelled by the Romans in the year 70 AD. Only the Wailing Wall remains!
Spiritually we are the temples where God dwells!  Is cleansing needed?

·         1959 - The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most rapidly and widely ratified international human rights treaty in history.
Yet here we are reflecting on the horrendous abuse of children after this day in 1959!
Now we discover that Pope John Paul II, who was declared a saint, has been found to ignore knowledge about a bishop/cardinal who was an abuser.

·         Vinnies launches 2020 Christmas Appeal
While our parish churches are closed it is not possible to donate items for our Vinnies Christmas Hampers Appeal. Please do not forget this important appeal and make sure that when our parish church reopens you will be ready to make your donation.


ü  The Reign of God as Community  -  Fr Richard Rohr

ü  Can The Ground Cry Out?  -  Fr Ron Rolheiser

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’

On Sunday we celebrate the feast of Christ The King [or King of the Universe]
I have always felt rather bemused by that name…… I picture him as a servant of the people, as a shepherd of a flock, as a social justice activist.

¯ The Servant King

¯ Shepherd of my soul

¯ Streets Of The City


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