Wednesday, November 10, 2021

We must never give in to a temptation to exclude any people as possible followers of Christ.

Just a few thoughts

·        Truth is no longer a religious understanding. Truth is now a political issue.

·        We pray for scientists of every kind, that their expertise and endeavours will serve the cause of world peace and development.


ü Bishop Vincent’s Sunday homily

ü A bit of good luck  --  Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø ‘If you knew the gift of God’  --  Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

Ø 4 Adelaide Archdiocese's lay members of the Plenary Council reflect on their experience of the first assembly.  --  Southern Cross

Ø The 2021 Global Social Progress Index rated nations across 52 social and environmental indicators, with Australia ranking 11th overall out of 168 countries. Check out how Australia compares.

Musical Reflection

¯ Nothing Can Trouble

¯ Instrument of Peace

¯ Lift Up Your Hearts

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