Friday, November 26, 2021

The presence of God in the world, a presence in “spirit and in truth”.

Just a few thoughts

·        We pray for Indigenous Australians caught up in the justice system, that they be treated fairly, respectfully and humanely.

·        May we be the good that conquers evil throughout the world, not by force or violence, but by love and respect.

·        “Just imagine how amazing it would be if we were able to open up the doors and our arms to all, invite everyone to come to the table. We need to practice the gospel in actions not just words”.
“I would like a Church that doesn’t need to be called to account by civil society but is a leader in living and promoting Catholic principles.”  --  Comments from Convocation Three


ü Jesus’ words of Truth and Life will be forever valid, because they represent a vision of life and those timeless values which we understand as emanating from God and to which every single human being is innately called.

ü Noticing God  --  Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Waiting in hope  --  Andrew Hamilton SJ

Ø Participation in the systems that govern you is a human right, children and young people included

Ø Doco of the Month: Incarceration Nation  --  SBS on Demand

Musical Reflection

¯ Come to us now and find in us your throne,

O King within the child within the clay,

O hidden King who shapes us in the play

Of all creation. Shape us for the day

Your coming Kingdom comes into its own.

¯ Find Our Way

Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go.

In love we find our way

With trust, hope remains

I’ll be here. Stay right here. Don’t you fear

In love we find our way through the night

In love we find the way

Your love, it’s a way

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