Saturday, November 6, 2021

The cult of money is a world religion

Just a few thoughts

·        Pope Francis has clearly taken a leaf out of Jesus’ playbook. His scathing criticism of ‘princes of the church’ for self-serving lifestyles is no less trenchant than Jesus’ attacks on the religious authorities of his day.

·        That in our parish we may value the contribution of each person, and rejoice in the many gifts which the Spirit gives for a common purpose.

·        "The older I get the more I realize that the things that cost nothing, hold the most value."  --  Helen Barry


ü “What man thinks important, God holds in contempt.”

ü  What's the overarching story of the Bible?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Francis appoints first female secretary-general

Ø Pope Francis tells COP26 to show 'political will,' not defer action on climate change

Musical Reflection

¯ In God Alone

¯ As We Gather At Your Table

¯ Live the Gospel

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