Monday, November 15, 2021

Being spiritually sighted

Just a few thoughts

·        May those who live with blindness or impaired vision, have that same faith as the man in the Gospel.

·        The richest 1% of the world’s people (those earning more than $172,000 a year) produce 15% of the world’s carbon emissions: twice the combined impact of the poorest 50%

·        We pray for civil leaders. May they practise true servant leadership, humbly directing their public service to the wellbeing of the communities they represent.


ü Apocalyptic times call us to act – Sunday Homily from USA

ü The God who loves us is with us – A Sunday Homily

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Back to the future — governance in the Catholic Church  --  Michael Kelly SJ

Ø The case for Catholic women priests

Musical Reflection

¯ Christ is the King, O friends rejoice

¯ Snatam Kaur - Servant of Peace

¯ Christians Let Us Love One Another

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