Sunday, November 21, 2021

I am the Alpha and the Omega

Just a few thoughts

·        The Diocesan Youth Assembly is today. We pray that the spirit of Jesus, our King will open their hearts to the needs and hopes of all youth.

·        For all seekers of truth, that they will find wise guides to accompany them on their quest.

·        We pray for civil and political leaders. May they accept their responsibility to serve all those under their leadership with honesty and justice.


ü “The reason I was born, the reason why I came into this world, is to give witness to the truth.”

ü The kingdom of God is already here in the sense that Jesus lives within and among us now. But we know also that his presence is obscured by the continued presence of evil in the world. Individuals and institutions are very far from being aligned on the will of God, and so the kingdom is incomplete.

ü Homily – Frank Brennan SJ

ü Australian Women Preach

The Signs Of The Times

Ø “The Church needs fixing,”  --  The Tablet, UK

Ø Boost for parishes on journey to sustainability

Ø Earthcare Parish Program

Musical Reflection

¯ Hallelujah Chorus

¯ At the Name of Jesus

¯ Sing Out, Earth and Skies!

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