Friday, November 19, 2021

The Temple

Just a few thoughts

·        Jesus stands as a counter-witness to all that is against truth, love and justice and as such inevitably incurs the anger and hostility of those who have power, power based on falsehood, on self-interest, corruption and injustice.

·        Being a ‘listening Church’ does not mean just listening to one another or listening to the Holy Spirit. It also means listening to what culture — religious and secular — has to say to the Church.’  --  Massimo Faggioli

·        May all who come to this church to pray find in the presence of Christ the peace, strength, forgiveness and guidance they hunger for.


ü Jesus has arrived in Jerusalem

ü Beyond every mask and fig leaf    --  Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø New timeline for local Synod of Bishops consultation

Ø Vinnies recommits to Catholic Social Teaching principles on 5th World Day of the Poor

Ø “To be Still and Listen With Us”  --  Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann

Musical Reflection

¯ I Rise Up To Worship

¯ Christ Is the World's Light

¯ Creator of the Stars of Night

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