Wednesday, November 17, 2021

It is not collecting but sharing that generates wealth, the wealth that really matters – freedom, security and peace.

Just a few thoughts

·        Hostility to the Church and believers is generally recognised as its greatest threat. I beg to differ. Indifference is the demon, which was well-and-truly abroad in our culture even before the scandals of child abuse.  --  Geraldine Doogue

·        We pray for parish communities challenged by the shortage of priests, that the gifts of the baptised faithful may be identified and made best use of.

·        For each of us, that we will use wisely the gifts which we have received from God for the good of others.


ü Today we are asked to reflect on the special gifts that God has given to each one of us and how we are using them for the benefit of brothers and sisters in need. What are our attitudes to money, to property, to professional status, academic or other qualifications or other gifts with which we are endowed? Where do we invest our gifts, our talents both inborn and acquired?

ü Christ is ever before us  --  Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Assessing the Plenary: A work in progress  --  Geraldine Doogue

Ø Mum’s bags are packed and she’s ready to go.  --  Richard Leonard SJ

Musical Reflection

¯ Be Merciful

¯ The Servant King

¯ Hymn to Freedom

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