Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The End Times

Just a few thoughts

·        That the leaders of nations and within the Church, will realize that, like the rest of humanity, they have feet of clay, and so never have an inflated opinion about their importance or power.

·        We pray for island nations under threat from rising sea levels, that their pleas for climate justice will be heard and heeded.


ü Without Him as the centre of our faith, we will be lost.

ü Live each day to the full for ourselves and others

ü Made for another world  --  Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Bishops endorse Uluru Statement from the Heart

Ø What happened at the Plenary Council  --  Southern Cross

Ø Dropping off the Edge 2021  --  Jesuit Social Services

Musical Reflection

¯ Gloria, Misa Criolla

¯ City of God

¯ Siyahamba

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