Saturday, November 20, 2021

God of the living

Just a few thoughts

·        ‘Great shepherds give people a lot of freedom. The good shepherd knows how to lead his flock without enslaving it to rules that deaden people. The shepherd has the ability to go in front of the flock to show the way, stay in the middle of the flock to see what happens within and also be at the rear of the flock to make sure no-one is left behind.’  --  Pope Francis

·        That we may appreciate this Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist  through which Christ gives us the pledge of everlasting life  and our share in his resurrection.

·        We pray for civil leaders. May civil leaders practise true servant leadership, humbly directing their public service to the wellbeing of the communities they represent.


ü The Feast of Christ The King  --  The Tablet, UK

ü What do Catholics mean when we say the Eucharist is ‘the true body and blood’ of Christ?

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope praises justice and peace commissions

Ø The Grace of Grace

Ø Urgent need to finalise federal religious freedom legislation

Musical Reflection

¯ Dear Lord and Father of Mankind

¯ Instruments Of Your Peace

¯ Creation Calls

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