Tuesday, November 16, 2021

I want to stay in your house today.

Just a few thoughts

·        If your annual income is $55,000 you belong to the world’s richest 10%

·        On this International Day for Tolerance may we find inspiration in this year’ theme: “Tolerance is respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.”

·        We pray for those who struggle with underemployment, that they will find their way to fuller and satisfying work


ü Today I must stay at your house

ü A Church for All  --  Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø If God exists, is powerful and loving, why doesn't God remove pain and suffering?

Ø Australasian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform presents The Future of Catholicism in Australia – Convocation Three

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2021 - 7.30pm AEDT

The first session of the Australian Plenary Council has now concluded – it’s time to take stock:

What has the first assembly of the Plenary Council achieved?

What are the critical issues for the second and final Plenary Council assembly?

How do Catholics now feel about the Plenary Council?

What can we, as Australian Catholics, do to build on the process to date, in the lead-up to the next assembly and the Pope’s Synod on Synodality?

Register here

Musical Reflection

¯ Blessings on the King

¯ Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace

¯ Make Me A Chariot Of Fire

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