Saturday, November 27, 2021

Be truly alert to the presence of God

Just a few thoughts

·        Let all Christians give thanks for this past year of grace, the solidarity that has sustained us through another year of the pandemic and the opportunities we have had to worship God in spirit and in truth

·        We pray for all who are afflicted with fear and anxiety, that they be led by the Spirit into the freedom of the children of God.


ü Live as fully as we can in the presence of our always-present God.

ü “Towards the encounter” Advent  --  Laudato Si Movement

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Pope: Change habits, protect the earth, help others

Ø Third Convocation of Catholics  --  A forum discussing the Plenary Council and what the hopes are for the next step  --  Summary of online comments

Musical Reflection

¯ City Of God

¯ We Are Marching in the Light of God

¯ Day is Done

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