Friday, October 29, 2021

Rules V Compassion

Just a few thoughts

·        We, the Church, so much need to recover a vital sense of the teachings of Jesus, and if we did, it would revolutionise the way we understand our mission in the world. There would, for example, be far more emphasis on deeds of love than on ritual observances.  --  Fr Paschal Kearney

·        "A person's most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help others."  --  Helen Barry


ü Healing on the Sabbath

ü When the outsider, someone without status or position, is the 'model of faith'  --  Homily for last Sunday from UK

ü Australia has ‘ethical obligation’ to help neighbours  --  CathNews

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Poor-blaming lets governments off the hook  --  Claire Victory, SVDP

Ø What happened at the Plenary Council?  --  Kevin Liston

Musical Reflection

¯ In Faith and Hope and Love

¯ Set Your Heart on the High Gifts

¯ Send Down the Fire

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