Thursday, October 28, 2021

Every single one of Jesus’ followers was called to be the ‘salt of the earth’ and the ‘light of the world’ and to behave in such a way that people would be led to God.

Just a few thoughts

·        “It is not the church building which makes us holy; rather it is we who make the church building holy by our presence in it.”  -- from a Gospel reflection

·        We pray for those who feel that they are in a hopeless situation, that through the prayers of St Jude, hope of the hopeless, they may believe, trust and look confidently to the future.  --  Lord, hear us.

·        "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes... including you."  --  Anne Lamott


ü The apostle Jude asked a question:- “Lord, what is all this about?”

ü Called and sent--  Reflection from Brisbane

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The 2021 Walter Silvester Memorial Lecture will make a timely contribution in addressing these challenges. Titled ‘Truth, Treaty and Transformation’, it will be co-presented by Jason Kelly, member of the First People’s Assembly, and Professor Frank Brennan SJ AO, member of a Commonwealth Government’s group overseeing the Co-Design Process for the Indigenous Voice.
Here is Frank Brennan’s contribution – video, 38min

Ø Were the good old days in the Catholic Church really that good?  --  Claire Victory, SVDP

Musical Reflection

¯ God, Beyond All Praising

¯ Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

¯ Ubi Caritas

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