Sunday, October 3, 2021


Just a few thoughts

·        Today the Plenary Council opens!
I must admit that I feel scared!
The Catholic Church can’t afford to fail in this exercise. But will it have the courage to truly adopt Vatican II and catch up with ‘the times’?

Opening Mass Booklet

Opening Mass livestreamed starting at 1:30pm

·        Fr Frank Brennan’s encouraging words – Audio  --  Text

·        That future depends on the values of self-government, our sense of duty, loyalty, self-confidence and regard for the common good. We are a diverse country, and getting more diverse. And these virtues are what keep this great country together.  --  Jeff Miller

·        There is an important message that all political leaders should be taking from the response to coronavirus, and that is that people are prepared to make hard choices for the common good.  --  Caroline Lucas

Plenary Reflections

Ø Plenary Council 2021: Mary MacKillop Inspires Us To Be A Heart-Centred Church

Ø A Gift Of God – The 5th Plenary Council of Australia

Ø Pope chooses ‘Listen’ as Communications Day theme  -- 

Ø Sunday Reflection  --  Accepting Disappointment in Love

Musical Reflection

¯ Spirit Of God

¯ A Blessing Hymn For Australia

¯ Set Your Heart on the Higher Gifts

¯ I Have Loved You

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