Sunday, October 24, 2021

Go; your faith has saved you

Just a few thoughts

·        For those entrusted with the task of preparing for the second session of the Plenary Council, that they will continue to attend to all voices and to the promptings of the Spirit.

·        The deliberations of the Plenary Council suggest that the Australian church is being challenged to identify itself with Bartimaeus rather than the sons of Zebedee. With him it must relinquish the cloak of security and ask to see again.


ü Australian Women Preach- Sunday reflection

ü Sunday Homily  --  Fr Frank Brennan

ü Justice Will Abide

The Signs Of The Times

Ø World Disarmament Week

Ø 1945: Establishment of the United Nations

Musical Reflection

¯ Seek Ye First

¯ I'll Be Always Loving You

¯ We walk by faith

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