Monday, October 4, 2021

Plenary Council 1st Session

Just a few thoughts

·        Thank you Stephanie and Alan for your reflections about the Adelaide Diocesan Council Assembly.
This is the first occasion that in our parish I have heard anything at all about the Plenary Council at Sunday Mass.

·        It is true that since Vatican II Council many of its significant resolutions have not been realised. Any change that we as lay Catholics may seek will not happen unless the hierarchy of the Church agrees.
Let us pray that these men will be courageous and acknowledge that all of us are the Body of Christ.
Let us also seek to encourage young people to make their mark in the future growth of the Church.

·        Speak boldly, speak with passion and listen with an open and humble heart  --  Pope Francis 2018

·        “What we need is a listening and inclusive Church — a Plenary Council at which the clergy and the laity have a proper place at the table, at which the voices of the ‘rusted-on’ and the ‘cheesed-off’ Catholics are heard and at which the bishops are respectfully listening as much as speaking,”  --  Fr Frank Brennan

·        The opening session of the Plenary Council starts at 10:30am today. It may be interesting to see if the Agenda that was planned will actually be endorsed.

Plenary Reflections

¯ Adelaide Diocesan Assembly Closing Session  --  This video lasts 2 hours, but many parts I found very useful and informative. Here are some summarising screenshots:

¯ All Are Welcome

¯ Open My Eyes

Each of these topics has been elaborated in the video and I recommend that you watch the video for those details.

¯ Go Make A Difference

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