Friday, October 15, 2021

Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.

Just a few thoughts

·        Saint Teresa of Avila

·        May Christians facing great difficulties across the globe, take to heart the word of Jesus: do not be afraid.  --  Lord, hear us.

·        Engaging with Laudato Si’: Caring for Our Common Home


ü The key is God's love  --  from Brisbane

ü Faith not a transactional relationship with God  --  Pope Francis

ü When grace meets violence - Columbans

The Signs Of The Times

Ø What is Catholic Christianity all about?  -  introducing a new series of podcasts from the Brisbane diocese.

Ø Listening to the Spirit at the Plenary Council  --  reflection from the Australian Jesuits

Ø Church must respect other cultures, not impose itself  --  Pope Francis

Musical Reflection

¯ The Kingdom of God

¯ Come and Follow Me

¯ My Soul Is At Rest

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