Friday, July 3, 2020

St Thomas:- My Lord and My God

Jesus - Have you believed because you have seen me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe."

Feast of St Thomas, patron saint of India

Happy are We

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus says, “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.”
That’s you and I that Jesus is talking about. We are among the great number of people that Jesus calls happy because we believe in the risen Christ.
This passage is often used to teach against doubting, as Thomas did. However, this should also be an opportunity to reflect on the power of faith in Jesus.
To know Jesus and to follow him in faith means more than the consent of the will or the feeling of security. To have faith in Jesus also means to be transformed into the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.
As Paul says in the First Reading, by following Christ, we “are being built into a house where God lives.” We are part of the same body and filled with the same Spirit that gave St. Peter the power to heal lepers, directed St. Paul to preach to kings, and sent St. Thomas to the ends of the earth.
They were ordinary people, like you and me. But faith in the risen Jesus transformed them into the likeness of the one that they followed.
This power lives in us, and it lives in us today.
You are not ordinary; you are among the most blessed of all peoples in history, who can rejoice because they believe.  [from Living Word]

Celebrate the Feast of St Thomas, Patron Saint of India 
At 7pm Mass will be live streamed via

Other Reflections

Southern Cross - Zooming in on church reform

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
My Lord, My God - Vineyard Music

O Lord my God (How great Thou art)

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