Friday, July 10, 2020

Rain & Sun!

Good morning Tranmere Community.
It looks like the current C-Virus trend in Australia is showing growing concern again.
So far we are lucky to be in SA! So let us all continue to take great care.
Let us pray for the millions of people who are affected around the world.
A reflection on the gospel of July 8 – Filling  The  Space
Apostleship of the Sea (AOS), attends to the welfare of seafarers in many ports around Australia and elsewhere through Stella Maris centres and chaplaincies. This coming Sunday we are invited to focus on the lives of sailors and the Stella Maris Centres that are supporting sailors while in port.
See The Southern Cross - Reaching out to confined seafarers
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday we will sing - I Am The Bread Of Life
Carry On - Ann Hampton Callaway
BelongNathan May – celebrating NAIDOC Week
Boredom busters
Are their Beatles fans out there?
Ringo Starr turned 80 the other day - Ringo Starr’s Big Birthday Show!

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