Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mandela – Ubuntu!

Hallo Tranmere Community.
Today we celebrate the birthday of Nelson Mandela.
The photo above shows the big screen at the new  Adelaide Oval announcing his death.
Sheila and I were there and we found it quite emotional.
Barack Obama said at the Mandela eulogy:
“Ubuntu, a word that captures Mandela’s greatest gift:
His recognition that we are all bound together in ways that are invisible to the eye;
that there is a oneness to humanity;
that we achieve ourselves by sharing ourselves with others, and caring for those around us. . . .
He not only embodied Ubuntu, he taught millions to find that truth within themselves.”
Mandela’s leadership can be characterised by 3 fundamental principles:
v  Lead with love
v  Low ego – high impact
v  Move with the speed of trust 
[quoted from a source I can’t recall]
Sursum Corda!
We know Australians are doing it tough.
But in the world’s most vulnerable countries 75% of people lack access to clean soap and water: the most basic defences against COVID-19.
ü  The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Recessional hymn will be  Go Now You Are Sent Forth Have a listen to this version and sing-a-long.
Last Thursday I had a link to A Russian choir singing the Lord’s Prayer
I have learnt that the language used wasn’t precisely Russian, but the language “Church Slavonic”, an ancient liturgical language familiar to many Slavic-speaking peoples. So the hymn is common to many eastern European countries and perhaps specifically the Orthodox Church. 
Having explained all that, I now find a beautiful version sung by a choir in the south of the Netherlands.
Boredom busters
The Adelaide Guitar Festival was cancelled due to the C-Virus.  In the wings of the Festival Theatre, Adelaide Guitar Festival favourites along with some of Adelaide’s most talented emerging musicians recently came together to collaborate on a series of exclusive mini-concert recordings. – The Back stage Sessions

From Sue – Some in the community might be interested in this.  I had a look at the order form, they are just under $30.  Discerning the Dynamics of Jeremiah
ATF Press is the publishing arm of The Australian Theological Forum.

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