Friday, July 17, 2020

Jesus V Dogma?

Hallo Tranmere Community.
I read this observation yesterday:
A crisis always reveals the depth of inequality in a community or nation
We can look at our Australian communities and find it very obvious that some groups of people are treated very poorly or are just left to struggle against the tide of a crisis.
The Australian poet, Les Murray, once commented that Saint Paul, in the original Greek, had described humans as ‘God’s poems’.  ‘If you’re a poem you’re a poem, you can’t escape it,’ Les explained. ‘If we are God’s creation, I think we can only deform it. We can’t cease to be it.
According to Gospel values all ‘God’s poems’ deserve to beloved, treated respectfully and with dignity.
Sursum Corda!
ü  Yesterday I mentioned Fr Noel Connolly and provided a link to a video clip called The Kingdom.
Here is the follow up to that talk.  The Kingdom as a radical message
ü  Southern Cross - Birthline
ü  Podcast – visits to Penola & Plympton parishes
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Communion hymn will be I'll Be Always Loving You   Have a listen to this version and sing-a-long.
Day is Done - OCP Session Choir
Laudate Dominum – Bel Canto Choir Vilnius
Boredom busters
Alligator Gorge- what a great hike!

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