Saturday, July 11, 2020

St Benedict

Good morning Tranmere Community.
·         Today is the feast of a saint who developed a set of rules to live a strictly Christian life as he saw it. He had and still has a large following.
·         The Parish Bulletin is not posted yet on the parish website as I post this blog. So it will be available at the church this weekend.

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
The choir will sing Bring Forth The Kingdom on Sunday
Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No. 1 – Click on the last item in the list- 1:05:47 – WOW!!!
Boredom busters
I am guilty of leading you astray in this section. I am trying to encourage you to exercise!
But there is so much interesting stuff online to explore.
I apologise.
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul

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