Monday, July 20, 2020


Good morning Tranmere Community.
Last week there were so many items of interest that I tried to include each day!
So this week I am trying to reduce the input.
Ø  This Sunday’s Bulletin can be found here
Ø  One thing I have allowed to pass by was the death of composer Ennio Morricone.So to make up for that I have included a link below to the soundtrack of the movie – The Mission.Youtube is being a pain by adding quite a few advertising interruptions.Some time ago I also had a link to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in one of the emails.

Sursum Corda!

Fr Noel Connolly’s next video clip - Encounter with mystery
“Let’s be wary of those who are confident that they are always right. They may be wrong in the moral assessment they make of their predecessors. Contemplating first and last things in a time of pandemic and lockdown, let’s pray for our community leaders who need to discern when to separate the wheat and darnel, when to lockdown for the good of health, and when to open up for the sake of the economy. They face difficult and fraught choices. No doubt, in hindsight when the plague has passed, we will once again think it looked so simple, separating the wheat from the darnel. If only, here and now, it were. The good farmer in the parable knows it’s not.”Fr Frank Brennan
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
The Mission  soundtrack
Boredom busters
All about Face Masks,  including a video clip about how to make your own

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