Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Good morning every one.
·         NAIDOC Week would have included many activities and events, but due to the C-Virus the celebrations have been postponed until  November 8-15. However some activities are still happening.
It is right and just to focus on the issue.  Last night the ABC featured the award winning documentary
In My Blood It Runs. If you have missed it you can see it on ABC iView. Please do make it a must see priority.
Thank you Sue for this prayer  - Why Worry   If you can’t access it online try this alternative copy
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
Baba Yetu - Stellenbosch University Choir
Boredom busters
Visit Amsterdam Rijksmuseum. We spent a few hours there some years ago.  We were mesmerised and exhausted!

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