Wednesday, July 22, 2020

‘I have seen the Lord’

Good morning Tranmere Community.
Ø  How Did You Feel?
Yesterday I was reflecting about how close our parish might be getting “normal” again. Mixed feelings!
When we came home from  an aborted holiday we were in isolation for 14 days, so we could not go to Sunday Mass.  Australia was taking this C-Virus seriously!  And so did the Catholic Church! Churches were closed!
What to do about our Sunday Obligation?   What about the celebration of the Eucharist – Our Bread of Life?
I was surprised to learn that there was no way to receive Holy Communion at all.   Was there no way at all?
How did you feel about this situation? Were there alternatives/solutions?   Please share your thoughts.
If the C-Virus returns, and the chances are that is very likely at some stage, will our Catholic Church have a different/better response?
Ø  Parish Life
Yesterday there was an item on CathNews about Renewal of Parish Life.
With all the disruptions we are experiencing it is probably a great time to think about our parish life.
It is odd and almost uncomfortable to come to Mass on Sunday to celebrate a Sacred Meal in communion, but stay separate and escape back to safety as soon as possible. Parish life is community life. Without a close sense of community a parish is dead. But what we have now seems more like a production line process.
Can we do better? Please feel free to share your ideas.
Sursum Corda!
ü  I hope you enjoyed the series of reflections from Fr Noel Connolly. Today we have a prayer from the same web source . Include in this prayer all those in our own community who are struggling.
And that Paul F may be making good progress in his recovery.
Good News –St Mary Magdalene  - “the apostle to the apostles,”
Modern Heroes - Bishop Stefano Li Side
Boredom busters

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