Thursday, July 16, 2020

Prayer, Community, Service.

Hallo Tranmere Community.
Today is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,  patroness of the Carmelite Order.
The first Carmelites were Christian hermits living on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land during the late 12th and early to mid-13th century. Their focus was: Prayer, Community, and Service.
Sursum Corda!
ü  Last month I mentioned the death of Fr Noel Connolly of the Columban order. I always enjoyed  his articles and reflections. This article he wrote a couple of months ago:
What will we do when we finally get back to our parishes?
At the end of the article is a link giving access to more of his articles relating to the Plenary Council
ü  Here is a video of a Reflection he gave some years ago – The Kingdom
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Offertory hymn will be Seek Oh Seek   Do have a listen and sing-a-long!
The Times, They Are A' Changin' – Herbie Hancock, etc.
Boredom busters
Did you know…..
RealClear survey taken early this year of U.S. Catholic registered voters found that among 'devout Catholics', those who attend Mass regularly, 63% approve of Trump's performance as president.
'That is a sorry statistic.
It tells us something about Catholics who regularly partake in the Eucharist and hear about an itinerant Palestinian preacher who talked about love for foreigners and the outsider.
They remain a bedrock of support for this most peculiar president, a man who metaphorically worships at the foothold of Confederate statues and freely calls Catholic immigrants rapists and murderers.He is the most race-baiting president since Woodrow Wilson, who didn’t have Twitter to extol the virtues of the Klan."

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