Friday, July 31, 2020

St Ignatius treasured prayer and meditation

Hi Tranmere Community.
Today we have a number of articles to celebrate the feast of St Ignatius.

Sursum Corda!

Ø  Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century is a book that features 21 saints who walked the earth in the 20th century and were canonized in the 21st century.  Read about the 3nd radical saint


ü  St Ignatius of Loyola

ü  Homily of Fr Frank Brennan –July 26

ü  Friendship and resilience – Fr Andrew Hamilton

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

·         This coming Sunday our choir sadly will not be active due to the implications of the C-Virus.
Our programmed Recessional  hymn was Now Thank We All Our GodPlease do us a favour and sing it as loudly and enthusiastically as you can at home!

·         Ndisondela Kuwe

·         No responses yet to our quest to identify the artist who is singing this anonymous song.

Boredom busters

ü  Weren’t those 12 Artworks awesome to explore.
Here you can do your own versions of famous artworks.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Energetic and Outspoken

Hello Tranmere community.
What a glorious winter morning!

Sursum Corda!

Ø  Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century is a book that features 21 saints who walked the earth in the 20th century and were canonized in the 21st century.  Read about the 2nd radical saint

Ø  St Martha


Being Peaceful ChangeFr Richard Rohr

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

·         Next Sunday our Communion hymn is Like A Shepherd Have a practice singalong!

Here is an anonymous song. Who might the artist be?

Boredom busters

ü  12 Artworks you’ll love to zoom into.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Common Good

Hi Tranmere Community.
Today I have been distracted from my usual routine.
I have just a few links, but I feel that they are all very significant in the context of Catholic Social Teaching. That means that the focus is on The Common Good and Human Dignity.
Sursum Corda!
Ø  Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century is a book that features twenty-one saints who walked the earth in the 20th century and were canonized in the 21st century.  Read about the first radical saint
Ø  My sister Annie was Sister of St Joseph in the peer group of Sr Michele, so we have always been very interested in her wonderful work supporting South Australia’s Aboriginal people. The issue of the proposed Nuclear Waste Dump near Kimba has occupied vast amounts of their time and energy.
Michele Madigan is a Sister of St Joseph who has spent over 40 years working with Aboriginal people in remote areas of SA, in Adelaide and in country SA. Her work has included advocacy and support for senior Aboriginal women of Coober Pedy in their successful 1998-2004 campaign against the proposed national radioactive dump.
The excellent Catholic publication Eureka Street features a progress report  from Sr Michele on the proposed Nuclear Waste Dump.
Ø  Justice, dignity not just ‘privilege of the rich.  Time and time again we learn about the assumed privilege of the rich and powerful, as we have seen this month in our home state.
More detailed report here
So I have offered you some sources that are perhaps challenging and uncomfortable, but never forget that it is impossible to be a comfortable Christian!
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
·         Next Sunday our Offertory hymn is We Come To Your FeastPerhaps somewhat unfamiliar as a congregational hymn. So have a practice singalong!
·         I have been focussing on the Slavonic version of The Lord’s Prayer during the last few weeks. It is always sung so beautifully. Here is a Russian melody sung in English – still beautiful, but much shorter. Enjoy!!
·        We Shall Overcome!
Boredom busters
ü  Exercising is very, very good for you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Our Condolences to Fr Jeevan

Good morning Tranmere Community,

Ø  From Remo via Sue:
I write to advise you of the sad news of the death of Fr Jeevan Gabriel’s brother Shantharaya Gabriel in Bangalore, India this morning. He was 55 years of age. We pray for him, his wife Annamma and their four children, his elderly parents and all his family, and especially our brother Jeevan who is so far from his family and home at this time.
Due to COVID no Mass in India is possible, please remember him and his family in your prayers and Masses.
May He Rest in Peace,
In Domino,
+Pat O’Regan DD
Archbishop of Adelaide
Sursum Corda!
Ø  Thank you ”Irishanne” for your comments on The Carmino post on July 26
“If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed.  The guilty one is not the one  who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness.”
Victor Hugo - 'Les Miserables'
Mustard Seed Faith – Fr Richard Rohr
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
Ø  Next Sunday ourOpening hymn is All People That On Earth Do DwellHave a practice singalong!
Otche Nash (Our Father) – by Vox Animae   So beautifully sung!
Boredom busters
ü  Who has been making Face Masks?  See Comments on July 26
ü  Exercising is very good for you!

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Mustard Seed

Good morning all,
Isn’t it great that we are all still safe in SA.
Let’s do our best to keep it that way.
‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.’
It’s often said that today we live in an image-rich culture. What pictures do you have of what the kingdom of heaven is like?  
Being Peaceful ChangeFr Richard Rohr
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
Here is a newish song, very relevant - The kingdom of God is justice and joy5 / 5:37
Boredom busters
Peter Green – R.I.P. - Fleetwood Mac  --  Albatross  --  Why not exercise to this gentle tune and play it again and again and………..

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Way of St James

Good afternoon Tranmere Community.
I missed church this morning. Illness got in the way! But things are showing signs of improvement.
Sursum Corda!
Ø  The Way of St James is better known as The Camino de Santiago.
It is the famous pilgrimage walk of 36 days covering about 780km in northern Spain.
We were watching the movie The Way in the Trak Cinema when we got a phone call from our daughter announcing the birth of her first child. We missed the end of the movie.
I believe that some members of our parish community have attempted at least part of The Carmino!
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
·         A few choir members were unable to say hello today; illnesses and concerns about the C-Virus were the obstacles.
However the singing online continues!!  --  Taize - In God Alone
“The Beatitudes “by Peter Kearney was our programmed Communion hymn.
Peter has published a new song - Don't worry about Tomorrow.  –Sound track only
·         Here is one you have probably all seen before. It’s WOW!
Africa - Perpetuum Jazzile –
Boredom busters
Where can I get reusable face masks? Does anyone know? Does anyone make them?
How do I make a mask?
Make your own face mask

Thank you Sue for more face mask inspiration!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Servant Leadership

Good morning all,
Last Wednesday we mentioned Renewal of Parish Life.
Ø  I read a comment referring to the nature of a Parish  - The parochial model is OK, but a radically rethink is required  in the vision of Vatican II, so that the parish is not just a building for ecclesiastical services, but a vibrant community travelling in the footsteps of Jesus.
In our parish we have often recognised that our parish was a community, not a building.
Sursum Corda!
·         St. James is called James the Greater
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Recessional hymn  will be - Sing A New Song.  Please do sing along with this sound only version. We need a joyfully singing congregation! We really do, if we are celebrating a Eucharistic feast!
Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66          I saw them in Adelaide in, of all places, the Appollo Stadium!
Guitar Festival - The Backstage Sessions - The Yearlings ft. Slava Grigoryan
Boredom busters
Are you motivated to survive this virus crisis?
Well then get out of that rocker chair and start moving, because saving your life isn’t just about lying lowit’s important you do some exercise every day.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Making Time to Meditate

Good morning everyone.
Ø  How Did You Feel?
On Wednesday we were trying to focus on the question - When churches closed how did you feel?
Today we invite you to think about the question:- How did you feel when you watched televised Masses?
Were you a spectator, perhaps pondering about the level of professionalism of the telecast?
Were you able to spiritually engage with ceremonies and the homilies?
If the C-Virus returns, and the chances are that is very likely at some stage, do you have ideas/suggestions for our Catholic Church to provide a different/better response?   Please share your thoughts.

Sursum Corda!
ü  “You get older and you learn there is one sentence, just four words long, and if you can say it to yourself it offers more comfort than almost any other.
It goes like this:  At least I tried.”     
Ann Brashares

I came across a reflection that made me think.  It was from a Lutheran pastor in Canada. It was long so I summarised it.  How Do We Pray

The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Communion hymn will be - The Beatitudes.  Please do sing along with this sound only version. We need a joyfully singing congregation! We really do, if we are celebrating a Eucharistic feast!
Lots more music below, but I just have to add this one - Dave Brubeck - Unsquare Dance
Boredom busters
ü  The University of Adelaide’s live-streamed Lunchtime Concerts at Elder Hall – 1:10pm.
ü  Some 48,000 people live on the Faroe Islands in the north Atlantic Ocean.
They have a Philharmonic Orchestra.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

"Why do you speak to them in parables?"

Good morning Tranmere Community.
Ø  Parables - Many, many years ago I went on a retreat that challenged me greatly. But one thing I have taken from it and continue to try and put into practice is the call to “Pray, Study, Action”. It is a challenge!
It has been explained to me as follows:- Prayer and meditation provides a pathway;  Study illuminates and clarifies that pathway;  Action is what our conscience drives us towards.
The parables can be like cryptic crosswords  [I hate them] 
Do they demand that you think more deeply without necessarily leading to a single specific lesson or truth?
Do they demand that you listen and watch with deep attention, so that a pathway becomes more clearly defined in your life experiences?
Sursum Corda!
ü  Josie tells me her daughter, Lauren, now living in Clare told her she saw Helen and Alan Tyson on the news the night before last.  Lauren said, "They have hardly changed in 25 years" and she's right!
“When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Modern Heroes - Sister Leonella Sgorbati
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Offertory hymn will be - O Breathe On Me, Breath of God.  Please do sing along with this version. We need a joyfully singing congregation! We really do if we are celebrating a Eucharistic feast!
Climb Ev'ry Mountain - Shirley Bassey
Dave Brubeck - Take Five
Boredom busters
Of course we have all been exercising every day, haven’t we?
We all know we should, because it is good

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

‘I have seen the Lord’

Good morning Tranmere Community.
Ø  How Did You Feel?
Yesterday I was reflecting about how close our parish might be getting “normal” again. Mixed feelings!
When we came home from  an aborted holiday we were in isolation for 14 days, so we could not go to Sunday Mass.  Australia was taking this C-Virus seriously!  And so did the Catholic Church! Churches were closed!
What to do about our Sunday Obligation?   What about the celebration of the Eucharist – Our Bread of Life?
I was surprised to learn that there was no way to receive Holy Communion at all.   Was there no way at all?
How did you feel about this situation? Were there alternatives/solutions?   Please share your thoughts.
If the C-Virus returns, and the chances are that is very likely at some stage, will our Catholic Church have a different/better response?
Ø  Parish Life
Yesterday there was an item on CathNews about Renewal of Parish Life.
With all the disruptions we are experiencing it is probably a great time to think about our parish life.
It is odd and almost uncomfortable to come to Mass on Sunday to celebrate a Sacred Meal in communion, but stay separate and escape back to safety as soon as possible. Parish life is community life. Without a close sense of community a parish is dead. But what we have now seems more like a production line process.
Can we do better? Please feel free to share your ideas.
Sursum Corda!
ü  I hope you enjoyed the series of reflections from Fr Noel Connolly. Today we have a prayer from the same web source . Include in this prayer all those in our own community who are struggling.
And that Paul F may be making good progress in his recovery.
Good News –St Mary Magdalene  - “the apostle to the apostles,”
Modern Heroes - Bishop Stefano Li Side
Boredom busters

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

We all belong in God’s family

Hallo Tranmere Community.
Ø  Last Sunday’s congregation seemed to be smaller than the week before. The trend of a return to “normal” seems to present some difficulties. Any ideas/suggestions?
Ø  At Pentecost a wonderful group of parishioners knocked on the doors of many parishioners and presented biscuits with a message. It was an outstanding act of community service. I wonder who the people might be that may be looking for some contact now?  Are there some forgotten parishioners?
Ø  The parish seems to be in need of volunteers in many areas. I think we really need the younger generation to take on these opportunities to serve our community.
Ø  The Catholic Church claims to be an inclusive church welcoming all. Is our parish in tune with that goal?
That’s enough pondering about our parish. Let’s stay strong in our community spirit.
Sursum Corda!
ü  Here is Fr Noel Connolly’s next video clip:- The need for contemplation.  A very relevant reflection in this testing time.
ü  The St Vincent de Paul Society’s National Council has called on the Federal Government to establish an expert panel to advise it on revisions to Social Security payment rates that were originally designed to keep people out of poverty.

Good News - For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.
Modern Heroes - Akash Bashir
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Entrance hymn will be - Where There Is Charity And Love – The hymn starts at the 5:50minute mark. Please do sing along with this version. We need a joyfully singing congregation! We really do if we are celebrating a Eucharistic feast!
Boredom busters
Guitar Festival - The Backstage Sessions - The Django Rowe Quintet

Monday, July 20, 2020


Good morning Tranmere Community.
Last week there were so many items of interest that I tried to include each day!
So this week I am trying to reduce the input.
Ø  This Sunday’s Bulletin can be found here
Ø  One thing I have allowed to pass by was the death of composer Ennio Morricone.So to make up for that I have included a link below to the soundtrack of the movie – The Mission.Youtube is being a pain by adding quite a few advertising interruptions.Some time ago I also had a link to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in one of the emails.

Sursum Corda!

Fr Noel Connolly’s next video clip - Encounter with mystery
“Let’s be wary of those who are confident that they are always right. They may be wrong in the moral assessment they make of their predecessors. Contemplating first and last things in a time of pandemic and lockdown, let’s pray for our community leaders who need to discern when to separate the wheat and darnel, when to lockdown for the good of health, and when to open up for the sake of the economy. They face difficult and fraught choices. No doubt, in hindsight when the plague has passed, we will once again think it looked so simple, separating the wheat from the darnel. If only, here and now, it were. The good farmer in the parable knows it’s not.”Fr Frank Brennan
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
The Mission  soundtrack
Boredom busters
All about Face Masks,  including a video clip about how to make your own

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Hallo Tranmere Community.
Parables have always been interesting, but often puzzling to me.
There are so many of them!
It took a long time for me to realise that they are not intended to be dogmatised, but simply to be interpreted and applied in the times in which we live.
I have learnt that the “Kingdom of God” is about the awareness of the presence of God in our lives right now.
I invite you all to share your thoughts and understandings. Just click on the Comments Link at the bottom of this post and write your thoughts.
Sursum Corda!
Fr Noel Connolly’s next video clip - Missionary Virtues: Humility
The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mandela – Ubuntu!

Hallo Tranmere Community.
Today we celebrate the birthday of Nelson Mandela.
The photo above shows the big screen at the new  Adelaide Oval announcing his death.
Sheila and I were there and we found it quite emotional.
Barack Obama said at the Mandela eulogy:
“Ubuntu, a word that captures Mandela’s greatest gift:
His recognition that we are all bound together in ways that are invisible to the eye;
that there is a oneness to humanity;
that we achieve ourselves by sharing ourselves with others, and caring for those around us. . . .
He not only embodied Ubuntu, he taught millions to find that truth within themselves.”
Mandela’s leadership can be characterised by 3 fundamental principles:
v  Lead with love
v  Low ego – high impact
v  Move with the speed of trust 
[quoted from a source I can’t recall]
Sursum Corda!
We know Australians are doing it tough.
But in the world’s most vulnerable countries 75% of people lack access to clean soap and water: the most basic defences against COVID-19.
ü  The Parish Choir members are saying ‘Hello’.
On Sunday the Recessional hymn will be  Go Now You Are Sent Forth Have a listen to this version and sing-a-long.
Last Thursday I had a link to A Russian choir singing the Lord’s Prayer
I have learnt that the language used wasn’t precisely Russian, but the language “Church Slavonic”, an ancient liturgical language familiar to many Slavic-speaking peoples. So the hymn is common to many eastern European countries and perhaps specifically the Orthodox Church. 
Having explained all that, I now find a beautiful version sung by a choir in the south of the Netherlands.
Boredom busters
The Adelaide Guitar Festival was cancelled due to the C-Virus.  In the wings of the Festival Theatre, Adelaide Guitar Festival favourites along with some of Adelaide’s most talented emerging musicians recently came together to collaborate on a series of exclusive mini-concert recordings. – The Back stage Sessions

From Sue – Some in the community might be interested in this.  I had a look at the order form, they are just under $30.  Discerning the Dynamics of Jeremiah
ATF Press is the publishing arm of The Australian Theological Forum.