Wednesday, February 17, 2021

We are but dust!

Just a few thoughts

·         Less ego, more love.


ü  Ash Wednesday  --  Pope Francis

ü  So often in life we are controlled by our emotions and desires. We have an impulse for this or that or to do this or that and we often let those impulses or desires control us.

Entering into a practice of self-denial helps strengthen us to control our disordered tendencies rather than being controlled by them. And this applies to much more than just food and drink. It applies to many things in life including our life of virtue, especially our charity.”

ü We are fortunate to have a loving, forgiving God

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  About Lent

Ø  A Lenten Program for the Diocese of Broken Bay to prayerfully reflect on the Sunday Gospel readings in Lent

Musical Reflection

¯ Sign Us With Ashes

¯ Sign Us with Ashes

¯ Whatsoever You Do  --  Instrumental

Bits & Pieces

v 1931  --  Amalgamation of the Register and the Advertiser

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