Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Religious Legalism!

Just a few thoughts

·         Today’s Gospel is a massive truth telling!
The real commandments of God, e.g. unconditional love of the neighbour, are neglected in favour of what are purely human traditions, regulations, laws, even magisterium!

·         To love God we must love our neighbours as we love ourselves!

The universal commandment of all the world’s religions is known as the Golden Rule:

Treat others as you would like others to treat you.

·         If we follow that rule we are following Christ’s Way!
If we follow that rule, not only in our personal relatioships, but also in our social, community relationships then we have to look at the ways we are treating/mistreating peoples, groups, in our communities.
If we follow that rule in our national and global interactions we have to look at the ways we are exploiting 3rd world countries, other races, other minorities, etc.
If we are neglecting those relationships we are failing. Tolerating the suffering and exploitation of others is not Christ’s Way.


ü We will be judged by the depth of our love and nothing else.

The Signs Of The Times

·         Thousands rally against abortion law Bill

Ø  Vinnies urges Government to keep JobSeeker increase

Musical Reflection

¯ The Sound of Silence - Pentatonix

¯ Sanctuaries of Silence

¯ I Am Not At War With Anyone

Bits & Pieces

v  1897  --  Sir Charles Edward Kingsford Smith

v  1937  --   Kingoonya

v  1940  --  John Maxwell Coetzee, now living in Adelaide


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