Monday, February 22, 2021

But who do you say that I am?’

Just a few thoughts

·         There are so many interesting reflections and observations available at this time….
So my suggestions are not necessarily about the Gospel of The Day

·         Lent is a great time to give God a chance to convince us of his desire for our friendship.

·         Have you browsed the Lenten Booklet from our Adelaide diocese?  Its title is “Rebuild My Church” and it seeks to prepare us for the Plenary Council Assembly.

·         Authentic renewal of the Church isn't an issue for the hierarchy alone. Church renewal depends on every Catholic, including us--our personal growth in holiness, our readiness to use the gifts God has given us, our willingness to learn how to discern and support authentic renewal.


ü  Sunday Homily from Fr Frank Brennan

ü  Growing in Friendship with God This Lent.
Rev William Barry SJ, is a distinguished spiritual director and author, who died in 2020
A series of 7 reflections for Lent are available

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Plenary Council progress without transparency or inclusion for lay Catholics
An important overview of the state of preparation for the Plenary Council by Professor John Warhurst  -  a Plenary Council delegate from the Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn.

Ø  Abortion: people want clear-cut answers but it’s not that simple
John A. Dick is an American Catholic academic who has taught historical theology for many years at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He states:-  “When writing about abortion, I like to promote dialogue with civility: to build respectful conversation bridges, not blow them up. Respectful conversation must also be honest conversation.”

Musical Reflection

¯ Grant To Us, O Lord

¯ Seek o seek the Lord  --  Morialta Uniting Church

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